
data and information visualization

What can you find on this website?

This page presents a range of infographics and other information and educational material, particularly focused on the topic of the environment. These materials can be downloaded in high resolution for further use. There is also the option of direct sharing to social media, sorting, filtering and searching for materials, a transcript is available for each and the materials are categorized by their topic and keywords.

The materials are intended for various target groups from general public, media, schools etc. They are licensed as Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0), meaning they can be freely redistributed provided that the source is cited.

The project is a fully non-commercial and the materials provided are the result of the effort to spread knowledge about these topics.

Knowing and understanding = possibility and effort to search for solutions.



Weather and Climate

Air Quality









Update: Why is Air Quality Important?
Maximum air temperature
Inhaled and exhaled air
Chemistry of fireworks – colors

Data is like a fuel of the 21st century. Data analysis is then like a combustion engine. Placing data analysis in context and its explanation is like a map that tells one where to go and makes the data viz useful.



Air quality related preliminary deaths












  • About the project

    The aim of this project is to present information, especially about the environment, to the general public in a understandable, attractive and educational way. The target audience for this material is mainly those interested in this subject, whether from the public, the media, schools etc.

    Authors of the particular materials are always provided in the footer of each material or in the text.

    If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, send an email to jachym.brzezina(at) Also, please let us know if you would like to co-operate on this project.

  • How to use these materials?

    The aim of these materials is to raise awareness of the topics covered, in particular the aspects related to the weather, climate, air quality, water and the environment in general. The target audience for these graphics is in most cases members of the public interested in these issues, but also, for example, the media, schools etc. Some of the graphics are also tailored to a younger audience.

    All materials on this website are licensed under a Creative Commons (CC) license, specifically the CC BY 4.0. This means, in short, that yo can share and redistribute and modify these materials for your own purposes. However, always on the condition that the original source is asknowledged (author, link to the original graphic) and that you indicate/describe any potential changes you have made.

    Do you work for the media or for example you are a teacher and you need to edit some of these outputs or provide other assistance to help you work with these materials? Send an email to jachym.brzezina(at) and we can discuss it and find a solution that works best for you.

    If you use these materials, it would be great if you say where, for what purpose and some general feedback, which will help to further develop and improve these materials in the future.

  • I have an idea for a topic

    Do you have an idea for a topic you would be interested in or think is missing here? Have you found some interesting data set? Send an email to jachym.brzezina(at) Topics covered most are those related to the environment (climate, air quality, water, energies, geography etc.).

  • I would like to co-operate on this project

    That's great! More people always means more ideas, more creativity and more time which improves the overall product. There are many possibilities how you can help.

    Below are possible roles and fields where you can help (one or more):

    brainstormer (searching for new topics and data)
    analysist (processing data and topics)
    graphic designer (data and information visualization)
    programmer (web)
    PR specialist (social networks, project PR)
    editor (editing and proof-reading materials)
    translator (especially Czech to English and vice versa)

    The project is (currently) fully non-commercial and non-profit. This means your reward will be the possibility to work on a project useful for educating people, solving these issues and possibility to use your skills and creativity. All authors are listed on this website and the particular materials. How much time you can dedicate is completely up to you. Any help is appreciated :).

    If you would like to co-operate, please send an email to jachym.brzezina(at)

  • I want to support the project

    If this project interested you and you would like to support it, it is of course welcomed and appreciated. If you want to support the project by helping to create the materials, please see the FAQ above this one about possibilities to co-operate.

    Main aim of this project is spreading knowledge about the topics covered, if you have the option to promote the project, please send an email to jachym.brzezina(at) and we can arrange details.

    If you would like to support the project in other way, for example financially or some other way, please also send an email to jachym.brzezina(at) This project is fully non-commercial and independent, does not use any ads, so any help in this way is appreciated and helps further expansion of the project.

  • What is infoviz?

    Infoviz is an abbreviation for "information visualization". Infoviz is the process of displaying data and information in an easy-to-understand form. It is a more complex process than simple data analysis or visualization, and recently it has become very popular to present data in this form.

    The process of information display is often preceded by a process of data collection or research, data analysis and data visualization. Data analysis involves processing the data (using statistical methods) so that various questions can be answered from the data. Data analysis is often followed by the process of data visualisation - creating different types of graphs or data visualisations. The information visualization process goes one step further - it adds labels, text, and other elements to the data visualizations to explain the issue or answer the original question in an understandable way. For information visualization it is not enough to have just a knowledge of the statistics and the data set, for example, knowledge of the target group is also needed to create an output that is understandable to that group. Often different data visualizations, text, maps or other elements such as images or icons are combined. The output is also adapted to the target medium in which the visualisation is presented. For example, if it is a web page, various interactive elements can be used (zooming in on graphs and maps, selecting the information to be displayed, etc.). If, on the other hand, the output is intended for printing, the output needs to be adapted for this purpose.

    The output of an information visualization can be, for example, an infographic, a poster, a web page, a report etc.

  • I want to stay updated

    If you want to stay updated about new materials on this website, follow this Twitter profile, where new materials are presented and other interesting information available.